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  • Breaking News

    Wednesday 31 August 2016

    Breaking News: Senate Impeached Brazil President

    Brazil President, Dilma Roussef has been impeached by the Senate. The senate majority voted Roussef out of office after it was discovered that she manipulated the budget.

    Though Roussef denied the charges, but the impeachment has brought an end to her 13-years in office.

    Out of eighty-one senators that voted, twenty voted in favour of President Dilma Roussef to remain in office, while sixty-one voted against the ruling of the President. Having two-third voted against, that confirms the impeachment of President Roussef and she has no right to remain in the office.

    Michel Temper will now be the acting President till 1st of January, 2019 that should have marked the end of President Dilma Roussef tenor.

    Michel Temer is from center-right PMDB party and will be sworn in with immediate effect.

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